Compliance for NAMB Members
As a NAMB Strategic Sponsor, Firstline Compliance is proud to offer all NAMB members exclusive pricing on a Mortgage Broker Compliance Package, which includes:
Compliance Policies
Regulatory Compliance
Anti Money Laundering
Business Continuity Plan
Remote Work
A Required Records Retention checklist
Up to five (5)* State Compliance Requirements checklists
The market value of this Compliance Package is $6,000 and will be provided to NAMB Members at a reduced cost of $3,500. Members may also receive an optional annual update subscription for $500 per year (market value $750).
*State compliance checklists requested above five (5) will be provided at a discounted rate of $300 (market value $700).
Contact Us
Reach out to discuss the Mortgage Broker Compliance Package exclusively for NAMB members.